void | CustomiseBlastServiceJob (Service *service_p, ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Initialise a BlastServiceJob with its required functions for updating and freeing itself. More...
BlastServiceJob * | AllocateBlastServiceJobForDatabase (Service *service_p, const DatabaseInfo *db_p, struct BlastServiceData *data_p) |
| Create a BlastServiceJob. More...
BlastServiceJob * | AllocateBlastServiceJob (Service *service_p, const char *job_name_s, const char *job_description_s, const char *tool_name_s, BlastServiceData *data_p) |
| Create a BlastServiceJob. More...
void | FreeBlastServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Free the BlastServiceJob. More...
char * | GetPreviousJobFilename (const BlastServiceData *data_p, const char *job_id_s, const char *suffix_s) |
| Get the filename with the data for a previously-ran BlastServiceJob. More...
BlastServiceJob * | GetBlastServiceJobFromJSON (const json_t *blast_job_json_p, BlastServiceData *config_p) |
| Deserialise a BlastServiceJob from a JSON fragment. More...
json_t * | ConvertBlastServiceJobToJSON (BlastServiceJob *job_p, bool omit_results_flag) |
| Serialise a BlastServiceJob into a JSON fragment. More...
bool | AddErrorToBlastServiceJob (BlastServiceJob *job_p) |
| Add the logged information from a failed BlastServiceJob to its list of stored errors. More...
bool | UpdateBlastServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Update the running status of BlastServiceJob if needed. More...
bool | ProcessLinkedServiceForBlastServiceJobOutput (Service *service_p, ServiceJob *job_p, LinkedService *linked_service_p) |
| Process a LinkedService for a given BlastServiceJob. More...
void | BlastServiceJobCompleted (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| This is the callback function used by an AsyncTask that is called when a BlastServiceJob has completed running. More...
bool | AddHsp (json_t *marked_up_hit_p, const json_t *hsp_p) |
| Add the marked-up data for a High-scoring Segment Pair (HSP) to a marked-up hit. More...
bool | GetAndAddDatabaseMappedParameter (LinkedService *linked_service_p, const json_t *report_p, ParameterSet *output_params_p, const char **database_ss) |
| After the blast job has ran, get the database that it ran against from a hit from within SINGLE_JSON_FILE output formatted result. More...
const json_t * | GetScaffoldsForDatabaseHit (const json_t *hit_p) |
| After the blast job has ran, get the scaffolds that it ran against from a hit from within SINGLE_JSON_FILE output formatted result. More...
json_t * | MarkUpBlastResult (BlastServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the Grassroots marked-up data from a BlastServiceJob. More...
void | FreeServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Free a ServiceJob. More...
void | FreeBaseServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Free a ServiceJob ignoring if it is a subclass. More...
ServiceJob * | AllocateServiceJob (struct Service *service_p, const char *job_name_s, const char *job_description_s, bool(*update_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), bool(*calculate_results_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), void(*free_job_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), const char *job_type_s) |
| Allocate a ServiceJob. More...
ServiceJob * | CreateAndAddServiceJobToService (struct Service *service_p, const char *job_name_s, const char *job_description_s, bool(*update_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), bool(*calculate_results_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), void(*free_job_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p)) |
| Allocate a ServiceJob and add it to a ServiceJobSet. More...
bool | InitServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, struct Service *service_p, const char *job_name_s, const char *job_description_s, bool(*update_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), bool(*calculate_results_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), void(*free_job_fn)(struct ServiceJob *job_p), uuid_t *id_p, const char *job_type_s) |
| Initialise a ServiceJob. More...
void | ClearServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Clear a Service Job ready for reuse. More...
ServiceJob * | CloneServiceJob (const ServiceJob *src_p) |
| Create a deep copy of a ServiceJob. More...
bool | CopyServiceJob (const ServiceJob *src_p, ServiceJob *dest_p) |
| Make a deep copy of one ServiceJob to another. More...
struct Service * | GetServiceFromServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the owning Service for a given ServiceJob. More...
bool | SetServiceJobDescription (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const description_s) |
| Set the description of ServiceJob. More...
bool | SetServiceJobURL (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const url_s) |
| Set the description of ServiceJob. More...
bool | SetServiceJobName (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const name_s) |
| Set the name of ServiceJob. More...
json_t * | GetServiceJobAsJSON (ServiceJob *const job_p, bool omit_results_flag) |
| Get a ServiceJob as JSON. More...
json_t * | GetServiceJobStatusAsJSON (ServiceJob *job_p, bool omit_results_flag) |
| Get the Current OperationStatus of a ServiceJob as JSON. More...
ServiceJob * | CreateServiceJobFromJSON (const json_t *job_json_p, GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p) |
| Create a ServiceJob from a json_t object. More...
bool | InitServiceJobFromJSON (ServiceJob *job_p, const json_t *json_p, struct Service *service_p, GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p) |
| Get a ServiceJob from a json_t object. More...
OperationStatus | GetServiceJobStatus (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the Current OperationStatus of a ServiceJob. More...
OperationStatus | GetCachedServiceJobStatus (const ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the last retrieved OperationStatus of a ServiceJob. More...
const char * | GetServiceJobName (const ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the name of ServiceJob. More...
bool | CloseServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Close a ServiceJob. More...
void | ClearServiceJobResults (ServiceJob *job_p, bool free_memory_flag) |
| Clear the results associated with a ServiceJob. More...
char * | SerialiseServiceJobToJSON (ServiceJob *const job_p, bool omit_results_flag) |
| Save the ServiceJob to a persistent format that allows the ServiceJob to be recreated in a potentially different thread and/or process. More...
ServiceJob * | CreateServiceJobFromResultsJSON (const json_t *results_p, struct Service *service_p, const char *name_s, const char *description_s, OperationStatus status, const char *job_type_s) |
| Create a ServiceJob from a JSON Resource fragment. More...
bool | InitServiceJobFromResultsJSON (ServiceJob *job_p, const json_t *results_p, struct Service *service_p, const char *name_s, const char *description_s, OperationStatus status, const char *job_type_s) |
| Fill in the data for a ServiceJob from a given JSON fragement. More...
bool | AddParameterErrorMessageToServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const param_s, const ParameterType param_type, const char *const value_s) |
| Add a key-value pair error statement to a ServiceJob. More...
bool | AddGeneralErrorMessageToServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const value_s) |
| Add a key-value pair error statement to a ServiceJob. More...
bool | AddCompoundErrorToServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, const char *param_s, const ParameterType param_type, json_t *error_details_p) |
| Add a key-value pair error statement to a ServiceJob. More...
bool | AddResultToServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, json_t *result_p) |
| Add a result to ServiceJob. More...
void | SetServiceJobStatus (ServiceJob *job_p, OperationStatus status) |
| Set the current OperationStatus for a given ServiceJob. More...
void | SetServiceJobUpdateFunction (ServiceJob *job_p, bool(*update_fn)(ServiceJob *job_p)) |
| Set the function that a ServiceJob will use to update itself. More...
void | SetServiceJobFreeFunction (ServiceJob *job_p, void(*free_fn)(ServiceJob *job_p)) |
| Set the function that a ServiceJob will use to free itself. More...
void | SetServiceJobCalculateResultFunction (ServiceJob *job_p, bool(*calculate_fn)(ServiceJob *job_p)) |
| Set the function that a ServiceJob will use to calculate its results. More...
bool | UpdateServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Update, if appropriate, a given ServiceJob. More...
uint32 | GetNumberOfServiceJobResults (const ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Get the number of results stored on a ServiceJob. More...
bool | ReplaceServiceJobResults (ServiceJob *job_p, json_t *results_p) |
| Replace the set of results for a given ServiceJob. More...
bool | AddLinkedServiceToServiceJob (ServiceJob *job_p, struct LinkedService *linked_service_p) |
| Add a LinkedService to ServiceJob. More...
void | ProcessLinkedServices (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Attempt to extract the relevant data for all LinkedServices that the ServiceJob's Service has and store them in the ServiceJob. More...
bool | CalculateServiceJobResult (ServiceJob *job_p) |
| Calculate the results for the given ServiceJob. More...
void | SetServiceJobUUID (ServiceJob *job_p, const uuid_t new_job_id) |
| Replace the uuid for a given ServiceJob. More...
This datatype stores the ServiceJob and its associated BlastTool.