Grassroots Infrastructure
The Grassroots Infrastructure is a suite of computing tools to help users and developers use scientific data infrastructure that can easily be interconnected.
Service Struct Reference

A datatype which defines an available service, its capabilities and its parameters. More...

#include <service.h>

Collaboration diagram for Service:

Public Member Functions

bool InitialiseService (Service *const service_p, const char *(*get_service_name_fn)(const Service *service_p), const char *(*get_service_description_fn)(const Service *service_p), const char *(*get_service_alias_fn)(const Service *service_p), const char *(*get_service_info_uri_fn)(const Service *service_p), struct ServiceJobSet *(*run_fn)(Service *service_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, User *user_p, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p), ParameterSet *(*match_fn)(Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p), ParameterSet *(*get_parameters_fn)(Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p), bool(*get_parameter_type_fn)(const Service *service_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p), void(*release_parameters_fn)(Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p), bool(*close_fn)(Service *service_p), void(*customise_service_job_fn)(Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p), bool specific_flag, Synchronicity synchronous, ServiceData *data_p, ServiceMetadata *(*get_metadata_fn)(Service *service_p), json_t *(*get_indexing_data_fn)(Service *service_p), GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p)
 Initialise the basic structure of a Service. More...
struct ServiceJobSetRunService (Service *service_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, User *user_p, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p)
 Run a Service. More...
bool DoesServiceHaveCustomServiceJobSerialisation (struct Service *service_p)
 Does the Service use the default ServiceJob serialisation/deserialisation when storing ServiceJobs in the JobsManager or does it use its own specialised routines? More...
struct ServiceJobCreateSerialisedServiceJobFromService (struct Service *service_p, const json_t *service_job_json_p)
 Function to parse a JSON fragment from a previously serialised ServiceJob. More...
json_t * CreateSerialisedJSONForServiceJobFromService (struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *service_job_p, bool omit_results_flag)
 Function to create a JSON fragment representing a serialised ServiceJob. More...
ParameterSetIsServiceMatch (Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p)
 Is the Service able to work upon the given Resource. More...
const char * GetServiceName (const Service *service_p)
 Get the user-friendly name of the service. More...
const char * GetServiceDescription (const Service *service_p)
 Get the user-friendly description of the service. More...
const char * GetServiceAlias (const Service *service_p)
 Get the alias of the service. More...
json_t * GetServiceIndexingData (Service *service_p)
 Get a JSON document containing the data that can be parsed by an indexing app such as Lucene. More...
const char * GetServiceInformationURI (const Service *service_p)
 Get the address of a web page about the service. More...
ParameterSetGetServiceParameters (Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p)
 Get a newly-created ParameterSet describing the parameters for a given Service. More...
bool GetParameterTypeForNamedParameter (const struct Service *service_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p)
 Get the ParameterType of a named Parameter used by the given Service. More...
char * GetServiceUUIDAsString (Service *service_p)
 Get the unique id of a service object. More...
void FreeService (Service *service_p)
 Free a Service and its associated Parameters and ServiceData. More...
void ReleaseService (Service *service_p)
 For an asynchronous Service, tell it that it is no longer needed by the Grassroots system. More...
void SetServiceReleaseFunction (Service *service_p, void(*release_fn)(Service *service_p))
 For an asynchronous Service, set the function that will be called if ReleaseService() is called. More...
bool CloseService (Service *service_p)
 Close a Service. More...
json_t * GetServiceAsJSON (Service *const service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p, const bool add_id_flag)
 Generate a json-based description of a Service. More...
const char * GetServiceIcon (const Service *service_p)
 Get the URL of an icon image to use for a given Service. More...
const char * GetServiceInformationPage (const Service *service_p)
 Get the URL of a web page describing a given Service. More...
bool DeallocatePluginService (Plugin *const plugin_p)
 Close a Services-based Plugin and free all of the Services. More...
json_t * GetServicesListAsJSON (LinkedList *services_list_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p, const bool add_service_ids_flag, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p)
 Get the JSON fragment for exposing a list of Services to any interested Clients or ExternalServcers. More...
void ReleaseServiceParameters (Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p)
 Free a ParameterSet that was got from a call to GetServiceParameters. More...
bool AddServiceResponseHeader (Service *service_p, json_t *result_json_p)
 Add a JSON fragment to the response for a given Service that has been run. More...
OperationStatus GetCurrentServiceStatus (Service *service_p, const uuid_t service_id)
 Get the OperationStatus for an operation in a Service. More...
bool CreateAndAddPairedService (Service *service_p, struct ExternalServer *external_server_p, const char *remote_service_name_s, const json_t *op_p, const json_t *provider_p)
 Create a new PairedService and add it to a Service. More...
bool AddPairedService (Service *service_p, PairedService *paired_service_p)
 Add a PairedService to a Service. More...
bool CreateAndAddLinkedService (Service *service_p, const json_t *service_config_p, GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p)
 Create and add a LinkedService to a Service. More...
bool AddLinkedService (Service *service_p, LinkedService *paired_service_p)
 Add a LinkedService to a Service. More...
json_t * GetServiceRunRequest (const char *const service_name_s, const ParameterSet *params_p, const SchemaVersion *sv_p, const bool run_flag, const ParameterLevel level)
 Get the JSON fragment for sending to a Grassroots Server detailing whether and how a user wants a Service to run. More...
json_t * GetServiceRefreshRequest (const char *const service_name_s, const ParameterSet *params_p, const SchemaVersion *sv_p, const bool run_flag, const ParameterLevel level)
 Get the JSON fragment for sending to a Grassroots Server detailing how to update the parameters for a Service. More...
json_t * GetInterestedServiceJSON (Service *service_p, const char *keyword_s, const ParameterSet *const params_p, const bool full_definition_flag)
 Get the JSON fragment for a job result list registering that a Service could be run against the user's parameters. More...
void SetServiceJobCustomFunctions (Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p)
 This function is used to customise any ServiceJob objects that a given Service creates. More...
bool IsServiceRunning (Service *service_p)
 Check if a Service is currently running any ServiceJobs. More...
void SetServiceRunning (Service *service_p, bool b)
 Set if a Service is currently running any ServiceJobs or not. More...
void SetMetadataForService (Service *service_p, SchemaTerm *category_p, SchemaTerm *subcategory_p)
 Set the values of a Service's ServiceMetadata object. More...
GrassrootsServerGetGrassrootsServerFromService (const Service *const service_p)
 Get the GrassrootsServer that the Service is running on. More...
void LoadMatchingServicesByName (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p, LinkedList *services_p, const char *service_name_s, const char *service_alias_s, User *user_p)
 Load the Service that matches a given service name. More...
void LoadMatchingServices (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p, LinkedList *services_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p, User *user_p)
 Load the Services that are able to act upon a given Resource. More...
void LoadKeywordServices (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p, LinkedList *services_p, User *user_p)
 Load all Services that can be run upon a keyword parameter. More...
void AddReferenceServices (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p, LinkedList *services_p, const char *operation_name_s, User *user_p)
 Add any reference Services to the list of available Services. More...
struct ServiceGetServiceByName (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p, const char *const service_name_s, const char *const service_alias_s)
 Get a Service by its name. More...

Data Fields

struct Pluginse_plugin_p
 The platform-specific plugin that the code for the Service is stored in. More...
bool se_is_specific_service_flag
 Is the service self-contained. More...
struct ServiceJobSet *(* se_run_fn )(struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, User *user_p, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p)
 Run this Service. More...
ParameterSet *(* se_match_fn )(struct Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p)
 Is the Service able to work upon the given Resource. More...
bool(* se_has_permissions_fn )(struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p, const User *const user_p)
 Check whether the user have permissions to run the Service. More...
const char *(* se_get_service_name_fn )(const struct Service *service_p)
 Function to get the user-friendly name of the service. More...
const char *(* se_get_service_description_fn )(const struct Service *service_p)
 Function to get the user-friendly description of the service. More...
const char *(* se_get_service_alias_fn )(const struct Service *service_p)
 Function to get the alias for a service. More...
const char *(* se_get_service_info_uri_fn )(const struct Service *service_p)
 Function to get a web address for more information about the service. More...
ParameterSet *(* se_get_params_fn )(struct Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p)
 Function to get the ParameterSet for this Service. More...
void(* se_customise_service_job_fn )(struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p)
 This function is used to customise any ServiceJob objects that this Service creates. More...
void(* se_release_params_fn )(struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p)
 Function to release the ParameterSet for this Service. More...
bool(* se_close_fn )(struct Service *service_p)
 Function to close this Service. More...
struct ServiceJob *(* se_deserialise_job_json_fn )(struct Service *service_p, const json_t *service_job_json_p)
 Function to parse a JSON fragment from a previously serialised ServiceJob created by this Service. More...
json_t *(* se_serialise_job_json_fn )(struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *service_job_p, bool omit_results_flag)
 Function to create a JSON fragment representing a serialised ServiceJob. More...
bool(* se_process_linked_services_fn )(struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p, LinkedService *linked_service_p)
 Callback function used when processing the results from running ServiceJobs for this Service as input for any LinkedServices for this Service. More...
bool(* se_get_parameter_type_fn )(const struct Service *service_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p)
 Callback function used to get the ParameterType of a named Parameter used by the given Service. More...
Synchronicity se_synchronous
 The synchronicity for how this Service runs. More...
uuid_t se_id
 Unique Id for this service. More...
struct ServiceJobSetse_jobs_p
 The ServiceJobSet for this Service. More...
LinkedList se_paired_services
 Any remote Services that are paired with this Service. More...
LinkedList se_linked_services
 Any LinkedServices that will use the output from running this Service as input for itself. More...
 Any custom data that the service needs to store. More...
bool se_running_flag
 A flag to specify whether this Service is currently running. More...
 The ServiceMetadata for this Service. More...
ServiceMetadata *(* se_get_metadata_fn )(struct Service *service_p)
 Callback function used to create a Service's ServiceMetadata. More...
 If the Service's synchronicity is set to SY_ASYNCHRONOUS_ATTACHED, this is used as mutex to control access to this Service when needed. More...
void(* se_release_service_fn )(struct Service *service_p)
 A custom callback function to use to close the service if needed. More...
json_t *(* se_get_indexing_data_fn )(struct Service *service_p)
 A custom callback function to get the data that can be be used to import into an indexing app like Lucene. More...
Parameter *(* se_custom_parameter_decoder_fn )(struct Service *service_p, json_t *param_json_p, const bool concise_flag)
 If the service has to have a more complex method of creating parameters from json blobs than the standard method, use this custom callback function. More...
 The server that this service is running on. More...

Detailed Description

A datatype which defines an available service, its capabilities and its parameters.

Member Function Documentation

◆ InitialiseService()

bool InitialiseService ( Service *const  service_p,
const char *(*)(const Service *service_p)  get_service_name_fn,
const char *(*)(const Service *service_p)  get_service_description_fn,
const char *(*)(const Service *service_p)  get_service_alias_fn,
const char *(*)(const Service *service_p)  get_service_info_uri_fn,
struct ServiceJobSet *(*)(Service *service_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, User *user_p, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p)  run_fn,
ParameterSet *(*)(Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p)  match_fn,
ParameterSet *(*)(Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p)  get_parameters_fn,
bool(*)(const Service *service_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p)  get_parameter_type_fn,
void(*)(Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p)  release_parameters_fn,
bool(*)(Service *service_p)  close_fn,
void(*)(Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p)  customise_service_job_fn,
bool  specific_flag,
Synchronicity  synchronous,
ServiceData data_p,
ServiceMetadata *(*)(Service *service_p)  get_metadata_fn,
json_t *(*)(Service *service_p)  get_indexing_data_fn,
GrassrootsServer grassroots_p 

Initialise the basic structure of a Service.

service_pThe Service to initialise.
get_service_name_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get its name.
get_service_description_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get its description.
get_service_alias_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get its alias.
get_service_info_uri_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get a web address for more information about the Service. This can be NULL.
run_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to run itself.
match_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to check whether it is an appropriate Service for a given Resource.
get_parameters_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get its ParameterSet.
release_parameters_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to free a ParameterSet returned from a previous call to get its ParameterSet.
close_fnThe callback function that the Service will call when the Service is closed.
customise_service_job_fnIf the ServiceJobs that this Service uses are extended from the Base ServiceJob datatype, this function is used to set them up. This can be NULL.
specific_flagtrue if this Service performs a specific analysis. For Services used by scripted reference Services detailed by JSON configuration files, then this should be false.
synchronousThe synchronicity for how this Service runs.
data_pThe ServiceData for this Service.
get_metadata_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to create its ServiceMetadata.
get_indexing_data_fnThe callback function that the Service will call to get its JSON data for indexing..
grassroots_pThe GrassrootsServer that this Service will run on.
true if the Service was set up successfully, false otherwise.

◆ RunService()

struct ServiceJobSet * RunService ( Service service_p,
ParameterSet param_set_p,
User user_p,
ProvidersStateTable providers_p 

Run a Service.

This is a convenience wrapper around se_run_fn.

service_pThe Service to run.
param_set_pThe ParameterSet to run the Service with.
user_pAn optional set of User as json.
providers_pThe ProvidersStateTable to be used by any RemoteServices.
A newly-allocated ServiceJobSet containing the details for the new jobs or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ DoesServiceHaveCustomServiceJobSerialisation()

bool DoesServiceHaveCustomServiceJobSerialisation ( struct Service service_p)

Does the Service use the default ServiceJob serialisation/deserialisation when storing ServiceJobs in the JobsManager or does it use its own specialised routines?

service_pThe Service to check.
true if the Service use custom routines, false if it uses the standard ones.

◆ CreateSerialisedServiceJobFromService()

struct ServiceJob * CreateSerialisedServiceJobFromService ( struct Service service_p,
const json_t *  service_job_json_p 

Function to parse a JSON fragment from a previously serialised ServiceJob.

service_pA Service of the same type that the serialised ServiceJob was run by.
service_job_json_pThe JSON fragment representing the serialised ServiceJob.
The newly-constructed ServiceJob or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ CreateSerialisedJSONForServiceJobFromService()

json_t * CreateSerialisedJSONForServiceJobFromService ( struct Service service_p,
struct ServiceJob service_job_p,
bool  omit_results_flag 

Function to create a JSON fragment representing a serialised ServiceJob.

service_pA Service of the same type that the serialised ServiceJob was run by.
service_job_pThe ServiceJob to serialise.
omit_results_flagIf this is true then just the minimal status information for the ServiceJob will be returned. If it is false then the job results will be included too if possible.
The JSON fragment representing the serialised ServiceJob or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ IsServiceMatch()

ParameterSet * IsServiceMatch ( Service service_p,
DataResource resource_p,
Handler handler_p 

Is the Service able to work upon the given Resource.

service_pThe Service to check.
resource_pThe Resource to check.
handler_pA custom Handler for accessing the Resource. This can be NULL.
If the Service can run on the given Resource, it returns a ParameterSet that is partially filled in using the value of the Resource. If the Service cannot run on the given Resource, this will return NULL.
See also

◆ GetServiceName()

const char * GetServiceName ( const Service service_p)

Get the user-friendly name of the service.

service_pThe Service to get the name for.
The name of Service.

◆ GetServiceDescription()

const char * GetServiceDescription ( const Service service_p)

Get the user-friendly description of the service.

service_pThe Service to get the description for.
The description of Service.

◆ GetServiceAlias()

const char * GetServiceAlias ( const Service service_p)

Get the alias of the service.

service_pThe Service to get the alias for.
The alias of Service.

◆ GetServiceIndexingData()

json_t * GetServiceIndexingData ( Service service_p)

Get a JSON document containing the data that can be parsed by an indexing app such as Lucene.

service_pThe Service to get the data for.
The JSON document.

◆ GetServiceInformationURI()

const char * GetServiceInformationURI ( const Service service_p)

Get the address of a web page about the service.

service_pThe Service to get the description for.
The address of the page or NULL if there isn't one.

◆ GetServiceParameters()

ParameterSet * GetServiceParameters ( Service service_p,
DataResource resource_p,
User user_p 

Get a newly-created ParameterSet describing the parameters for a given Service.

service_pThe Service to get the ParameterSet for.
resource_pThis is the input to the Service and can be NULL.
user_pAny user authorisation details that the Service might need. This can be NULL.
The newly-created ParameterSet or NULL upon error. This ParameterSet will need to be freed once it is no longer needed by calling FreeParameterSet.
See also

◆ GetParameterTypeForNamedParameter()

bool GetParameterTypeForNamedParameter ( const struct Service service_p,
const char *  param_name_s,
ParameterType pt_p 

Get the ParameterType of a named Parameter used by the given Service.

service_pThe Service to get the ParameterType from.
param_name_sThe name of the Parameter to get the ParameterType of.
pt_pPointer to the ParameterType where the value will be stored.
true if the ParameterType was retrieved successfully, false otherwise.

◆ GetServiceUUIDAsString()

char * GetServiceUUIDAsString ( Service service_p)

Get the unique id of a service object.

service_pThe Service to get the id for.
The string of the id.

◆ FreeService()

void FreeService ( Service service_p)

Free a Service and its associated Parameters and ServiceData.

service_pThe Service to free.

◆ ReleaseService()

void ReleaseService ( Service service_p)

For an asynchronous Service, tell it that it is no longer needed by the Grassroots system.

service_pThe Service to release.

◆ SetServiceReleaseFunction()

void SetServiceReleaseFunction ( Service service_p,
void(*)(Service *service_p)  release_fn 

For an asynchronous Service, set the function that will be called if ReleaseService() is called.

service_pThe Service to set the release function for.
release_fnThe release function to set for the given Service.

◆ CloseService()

bool CloseService ( Service service_p)

Close a Service.

service_pThe Service to close.
true if the Service was closed successfully, false otherwise.

◆ GetServiceAsJSON()

json_t * GetServiceAsJSON ( Service *const  service_p,
DataResource resource_p,
User user_p,
const bool  add_id_flag 

Generate a json-based description of a Service.

service_pThe Service to generate the description for.
resource_pAn optional Resource for the Service to run on. This can be NULL.
user_pOptional user configuration details. This can be NULL.
add_id_flagIf this is true then the UUID of the Service will be added to the returned JSON. If this is false then it will not.
The json-based representation of the Service or NULL if there was an error.

◆ GetServiceIcon()

const char * GetServiceIcon ( const Service service_p)

Get the URL of an icon image to use for a given Service.

service_pThe Service to get the icon for.
The URL of the image to use for the Service. This can be NULL.

◆ GetServiceInformationPage()

const char * GetServiceInformationPage ( const Service service_p)

Get the URL of a web page describing a given Service.

service_pThe Service to get the page for.
The URL of the description page for the Service. This can be NULL.

◆ DeallocatePluginService()

bool DeallocatePluginService ( Plugin *const  plugin_p)

Close a Services-based Plugin and free all of the Services.

plugin_pThe Plugin to free the Services from.
true if the Services were successfully released, false otherwise.

◆ GetServicesListAsJSON()

json_t * GetServicesListAsJSON ( LinkedList services_list_p,
DataResource resource_p,
User user_p,
const bool  add_service_ids_flag,
ProvidersStateTable providers_p 

Get the JSON fragment for exposing a list of Services to any interested Clients or ExternalServcers.

services_list_pA LinkedList of ServiceNodes detailing the Services to generate the fragment for
resource_pThe Resource of interest to run the Services with. This can be NULL.
user_pAny User for access o potentially restricted Services. This can be NULL for only publicly accessible Services.
add_service_ids_flagIf this is true then the UUID of the Service will be added to the returned JSON. If this is false then it will not.
providers_pThis is used to keep track of which ExternalServers and their Services have already been processed when generating the JSON fragment.
The json-based representation of the Service or NULL if there was an error.
See also

◆ ReleaseServiceParameters()

void ReleaseServiceParameters ( Service service_p,
ParameterSet params_p 

Free a ParameterSet that was got from a call to GetServiceParameters.

service_pThe Service used for the previous call to GetServiceParameters
params_pThe ParameterSet to free.s
See also

◆ AddServiceResponseHeader()

bool AddServiceResponseHeader ( Service service_p,
json_t *  result_json_p 

Add a JSON fragment to the response for a given Service that has been run.

service_pThe Service which will have its response amended.
result_json_pThe JSON fragment to add.
true if the sService response was successfully updated, false otherwise.

◆ GetCurrentServiceStatus()

OperationStatus GetCurrentServiceStatus ( Service service_p,
const uuid_t  service_id 

Get the OperationStatus for an operation in a Service.

service_pThe Service to query.
service_idThe uuid_t for the Operation whose OperationStatus is wanted.
The OperationStatus for the given Operation

◆ CreateAndAddPairedService()

bool CreateAndAddPairedService ( Service service_p,
struct ExternalServer external_server_p,
const char *  remote_service_name_s,
const json_t *  op_p,
const json_t *  provider_p 

Create a new PairedService and add it to a Service.

service_pThe Service to add the PairedService to.
external_server_pThe ExternalServer that the PairedService runs on.
remote_service_name_sThe name of the PairedService on the ExternalServer.
op_pThe JSON fragment to create the PairedService's ParameterSet from.
provider_pThe JSON fragment representing the Provider.
true if the PairedService was created and added successfully, false otherwise.
See also

◆ AddPairedService()

bool AddPairedService ( Service service_p,
PairedService paired_service_p 

Add a PairedService to a Service.

service_pThe Service to add the PairedService to.
paired_service_pThe PairedService to add.
true if the PairedService was added successfully, false otherwise.

◆ CreateAndAddLinkedService()

bool CreateAndAddLinkedService ( Service service_p,
const json_t *  service_config_p,
GrassrootsServer grassroots_p 

Create and add a LinkedService to a Service.

service_pThe Service to add the LinkedService to.
service_config_pThe json fragement defining the LinkedService to add.
grassroots_pThe GrassrootsServer that this Service will run on.
true if the LinkedService was added successfully, false otherwise.

◆ AddLinkedService()

bool AddLinkedService ( Service service_p,
LinkedService paired_service_p 

Add a LinkedService to a Service.

service_pThe Service to add the LinkedService to.
paired_service_pThe LinkedService to add.
true if the LinkedService was added successfully, false otherwise.

◆ GetServiceRunRequest()

json_t * GetServiceRunRequest ( const char *const  service_name_s,
const ParameterSet params_p,
const SchemaVersion sv_p,
const bool  run_flag,
const ParameterLevel  level 

Get the JSON fragment for sending to a Grassroots Server detailing whether and how a user wants a Service to run.

This object needs to be within a JSON array which is what the Server requires.

service_name_sThe name of the Service to get the JSON fragment for.
params_pThe ParameterSet to use. If run_flag is false, then this can be NULL.
sv_pIf you wish to create a JSON fragment for a different version of the Grassroots system, then you can set this value to the version that you require. If this is NULL, then the current version of the running Grassroots system will be used.
run_flagWhether the Service should be run or not.
The JSON fragment to be added to an array to send to the Server or NULL upon error.

◆ GetServiceRefreshRequest()

json_t * GetServiceRefreshRequest ( const char *const  service_name_s,
const ParameterSet params_p,
const SchemaVersion sv_p,
const bool  run_flag,
const ParameterLevel  level 

Get the JSON fragment for sending to a Grassroots Server detailing how to update the parameters for a Service.

Get the JSON fragment for sending to a Grassroots Server asking for a service to be refreshed.

service_name_sThe name of the Service to get the JSON fragment for.
params_pThe ParameterSet to use. If run_flag is false, then this can be NULL.
sv_pIf you wish to create a JSON fragment for a different version of the Grassroots system, then you can set this value to the version that you require. If this is NULL, then the current version of the running Grassroots system will be used.
run_flagWhether the Service should be run or not.
The JSON fragment to be added to an array to send to the Server or NULL upon error.

This object needs to be within a JSON array which is what the Server requires.

service_name_sThe name of the Service to get the JSON fragment for.
params_pThe ParameterSet to use. If run_flag is false, then this can be NULL.
sv_pIf you wish to create a JSON fragment for a different version of the Grassroots system, then you can set this value to the version that you require. If this is NULL, then the current version of the running Grassroots system will be used.
run_flagWhether the Service should be run or not.
The JSON fragment to be added to an array to send to the Server or NULL upon error.

◆ GetInterestedServiceJSON()

json_t * GetInterestedServiceJSON ( Service service_p,
const char *  keyword_s,
const ParameterSet *const  params_p,
const bool  full_definition_flag 

Get the JSON fragment for a job result list registering that a Service could be run against the user's parameters.

This is of use when running a keyword search and specifying that a Service knows of this keyword but cannot run on it directly. For example, a Blast Service might know that the keyword refers to some if its databases.

service_pThe Service that has registered an interest in the given keyword.
keyword_sThe keyword.
params_pThe parameters to encode within the JSON fragment. This will be set up based upon the keyword used to check whether the Service was interested.
full_definition_flagThis should be set to true when a Server is exposing its Services and false when a request to run a Service is being generated. See GetParameterAsJSON for more information.
The JSON fragment to send to the Server or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ SetServiceJobCustomFunctions()

void SetServiceJobCustomFunctions ( Service service_p,
struct ServiceJob job_p 

This function is used to customise any ServiceJob objects that a given Service creates.

It is often used to automatically set the sj_update_fn and sj_free_fn members of a ServiceJob.

service_pThe Service to set the custom ServiceJob functions for.
job_pThe ServiceJob to customise.
See also

◆ IsServiceRunning()

bool IsServiceRunning ( Service service_p)

Check if a Service is currently running any ServiceJobs.

service_pThe Service to check.
true if the Service is running, false if it is not.

◆ SetServiceRunning()

void SetServiceRunning ( Service service_p,
bool  b 

Set if a Service is currently running any ServiceJobs or not.

service_pThe Service to set.
btrue if the Service is running, false if it is not.

◆ SetMetadataForService()

void SetMetadataForService ( Service service_p,
SchemaTerm category_p,
SchemaTerm subcategory_p 

Set the values of a Service's ServiceMetadata object.

service_pThe Service to set.
category_pThe top-level application category to use.
subcategory_pThe application subcategory to use.
true if the ServiceMetadata was set successfully, false if it was not.

◆ GetGrassrootsServerFromService()

GrassrootsServer * GetGrassrootsServerFromService ( const Service *const  service_p)

Get the GrassrootsServer that the Service is running on.

service_pThe Service to query
The GrassrootsServer

◆ LoadMatchingServicesByName()

void LoadMatchingServicesByName ( GrassrootsServer grassroots_p,
LinkedList services_p,
const char *  service_name_s,
const char *  service_alias_s,
User user_p 

Load the Service that matches a given service name.

services_pThe List of Services that the named Services will get appended to if it is found successfully.
services_path_sThe directory where the Service modules are stored.
service_name_sThe name of the Service to find.
user_pAny user configuration details, this can be NULL.

◆ LoadMatchingServices()

void LoadMatchingServices ( GrassrootsServer grassroots_p,
LinkedList services_p,
DataResource resource_p,
Handler handler_p,
User user_p 

Load the Services that are able to act upon a given Resource.

services_pThe List of Services that the named Services will get appended to if it is found successfully.
services_path_sThe directory where the Service modules are stored.
resource_pThe Resource to check for matching Services for.
handler_pThe Handler that is appropriate for the given Resource.
user_pAny user configuration details, this can be NULL.

◆ LoadKeywordServices()

void LoadKeywordServices ( GrassrootsServer grassroots_p,
LinkedList services_p,
User user_p 

Load all Services that can be run upon a keyword parameter.

services_pThe List of Services that any keyword-aware Services will get appended to.
user_pAny user configuration details, this can be NULL.

◆ AddReferenceServices()

void AddReferenceServices ( GrassrootsServer grassroots_p,
LinkedList services_p,
const char *  operation_name_s,
User user_p 

Add any reference Services to the list of available Services.

services_pThe LinkedList of ServiceNodes to add any referred Services to.
references_path_sThe directory containing the JSON definitions of reference services.
services_path_sThe directory containing the Service plugins.
operation_name_sIf this value is set, only referred Services that have an Operation with this name will be added to Services list. If this is NULL then all possible reference Services will be added.
user_pAny user configuration details, this can be NULL.

◆ GetServiceByName()

struct Service * GetServiceByName ( GrassrootsServer grassroots_p,
const char *const  service_name_s,
const char *const  service_alias_s 

Get a Service by its name.

This will match a Service with its response from getting GetServiceName.

service_name_sThe name of the Service to find.
The matching Service or NULL if it could not be found.

Field Documentation

◆ se_plugin_p

struct Plugin* se_plugin_p

The platform-specific plugin that the code for the Service is stored in.

◆ se_is_specific_service_flag

bool se_is_specific_service_flag

Is the service self-contained.

If a Service has a specific task that it can perform then this is true. If it is a utility that is reused for different Services, such as a generic web search service, then this is false

◆ se_run_fn

struct ServiceJobSet*(* se_run_fn) (struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, User *user_p, ProvidersStateTable *providers_p)

Run this Service.

service_pThe Service to run.
param_set_pThe ParameterSet to run the Service with.
credentials_pAn optional set of credentials if the Service requires it.
A newly-allocated ServiceJobSet with the status of the ServiceJobs started by this call or NULL if there was an error.
See also

◆ se_match_fn

ParameterSet*(* se_match_fn) (struct Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, Handler *handler_p)

Is the Service able to work upon the given Resource.

service_pThe Service to check.
resource_pThe Resource to check.
handler_pA custom Handler for accessing the Resource. This can be NULL.
If the Service can run on the given Resource, it returns a ParameterSet that is partially filled in using the value of the Resource. If the Service cannot run on the given Resource, this will return NULL.

◆ se_has_permissions_fn

bool(* se_has_permissions_fn) (struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p, const User *const user_p)

Check whether the user have permissions to run the Service.

service_pThis Service.
params_pThe ParameterSet that the user wishes to use. If this is NULL which will check whether the user can run the Service with any ParameterSet. If this is set, it will also check whether the user can run the Service with the specific parameters e.g. access to a given input file.
user_pThe User for the user.
true if the user has permissions, false otherwise.

◆ se_get_service_name_fn

const char*(* se_get_service_name_fn) (const struct Service *service_p)

Function to get the user-friendly name of the service.

◆ se_get_service_description_fn

const char*(* se_get_service_description_fn) (const struct Service *service_p)

Function to get the user-friendly description of the service.

◆ se_get_service_alias_fn

const char*(* se_get_service_alias_fn) (const struct Service *service_p)

Function to get the alias for a service.

◆ se_get_service_info_uri_fn

const char*(* se_get_service_info_uri_fn) (const struct Service *service_p)

Function to get a web address for more information about the service.

◆ se_get_params_fn

ParameterSet*(* se_get_params_fn) (struct Service *service_p, DataResource *resource_p, User *user_p)

Function to get the ParameterSet for this Service.

◆ se_customise_service_job_fn

void(* se_customise_service_job_fn) (struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p)

This function is used to customise any ServiceJob objects that this Service creates.

It is often used to automatically set the sj_update_fn and sj_free_fn members of a ServiceJob.

service_pThis Service.
job_pThe ServiceJob to customise.
See also

◆ se_release_params_fn

void(* se_release_params_fn) (struct Service *service_p, ParameterSet *params_p)

Function to release the ParameterSet for this Service.

◆ se_close_fn

bool(* se_close_fn) (struct Service *service_p)

Function to close this Service.

service_pThis Service.
true if the Service was closed successfully, false otherwise.

◆ se_deserialise_job_json_fn

struct ServiceJob*(* se_deserialise_job_json_fn) (struct Service *service_p, const json_t *service_job_json_p)

Function to parse a JSON fragment from a previously serialised ServiceJob created by this Service.

service_pA Service of the same type that the serialised ServiceJob was run by.
service_job_json_pThe JSON fragment representing the serialised ServiceJob.
The newly-constructed ServiceJob or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ se_serialise_job_json_fn

json_t*(* se_serialise_job_json_fn) (struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *service_job_p, bool omit_results_flag)

Function to create a JSON fragment representing a serialised ServiceJob.

service_pThe Service that created the ServiceJob.
service_job_pThe ServiceJob to serialise.
TThe JSON fragment representing the serialised ServiceJob or NULL upon error.
See also

◆ se_process_linked_services_fn

bool(* se_process_linked_services_fn) (struct Service *service_p, struct ServiceJob *job_p, LinkedService *linked_service_p)

Callback function used when processing the results from running ServiceJobs for this Service as input for any LinkedServices for this Service.

service_pThis Service.
job_pThe ServiceJob whose results will be processed.
linked_service_pThe LinkedService defining how to generate the Parameters for the Service to run based upon the given ServiceJob's results
true if the LinkedService was processed successfully, false otherwise.

◆ se_get_parameter_type_fn

bool(* se_get_parameter_type_fn) (const struct Service *service_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p)

Callback function used to get the ParameterType of a named Parameter used by the given Service.

service_pThis Service.
param_name_sThe name of the Parameter to get the ParameterType of.
pt_pPointer to the ParameterType where the value will be stored.
true if the ParameterType was retrieved successfully, false otherwise.

◆ se_synchronous

Synchronicity se_synchronous

The synchronicity for how this Service runs.

◆ se_id

uuid_t se_id

Unique Id for this service.

◆ se_jobs_p

struct ServiceJobSet* se_jobs_p

The ServiceJobSet for this Service.

◆ se_paired_services

LinkedList se_paired_services

Any remote Services that are paired with this Service.

◆ se_linked_services

LinkedList se_linked_services

Any LinkedServices that will use the output from running this Service as input for itself.

◆ se_data_p

ServiceData* se_data_p

Any custom data that the service needs to store.

◆ se_running_flag

bool se_running_flag

A flag to specify whether this Service is currently running.

Do not access this value directly, use the API methods IsServiceRunning() and SetServiceRunning() instead.

◆ se_metadata_p

ServiceMetadata* se_metadata_p

The ServiceMetadata for this Service.

◆ se_get_metadata_fn

ServiceMetadata*(* se_get_metadata_fn) (struct Service *service_p)

Callback function used to create a Service's ServiceMetadata.

service_pThis Service.
true if the Service's ServiceMetadata was created successfully, false otherwise.

◆ se_sync_data_p

SyncData* se_sync_data_p

If the Service's synchronicity is set to SY_ASYNCHRONOUS_ATTACHED, this is used as mutex to control access to this Service when needed.

◆ se_release_service_fn

void(* se_release_service_fn) (struct Service *service_p)

A custom callback function to use to close the service if needed.

service_pThis Service.

◆ se_get_indexing_data_fn

json_t*(* se_get_indexing_data_fn) (struct Service *service_p)

A custom callback function to get the data that can be be used to import into an indexing app like Lucene.

service_pThis Service.

◆ se_custom_parameter_decoder_fn

Parameter*(* se_custom_parameter_decoder_fn) (struct Service *service_p, json_t *param_json_p, const bool concise_flag)

If the service has to have a more complex method of creating parameters from json blobs than the standard method, use this custom callback function.

◆ se_grassroots_p

GrassrootsServer* se_grassroots_p

The server that this service is running on.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: