Grassroots Infrastructure
The Grassroots Infrastructure is a suite of computing tools to help users and developers use scientific data infrastructure that can easily be interconnected.
Go to the documentation of this file.
38 BLAST_SERVICE_LOCAL bool GetAndAddHitLocation (json_t *marked_up_result_p,
const json_t *hsps_p,
const char *hsp_from_key_s,
const char *hsp_to_key_s,
const char *strand_key_s,
const char *child_key_s);
78 BLAST_SERVICE_LOCAL bool AddPolymorphism (json_t *marked_up_hsp_p,
const char *hit_gap_start_p,
const char *reference_gap_start_p,
const uint32 start_of_region,
const uint32 end_of_region);
Definition: blast_service_job_markup.h:26
This datatype stores the ServiceJob and its associated BlastTool.
Definition: blast_service_job.h:66
bool AddPolymorphism(json_t *marked_up_hsp_p, const char *hit_gap_start_p, const char *reference_gap_start_p, const uint32 start_of_region, const uint32 end_of_region)
bool GetAndAddDatabaseMappedParameter(LinkedService *linked_service_p, const json_t *report_p, ParameterSet *output_params_p, const char **database_ss)
After the blast job has ran, get the database that it ran against from a hit from within SINGLE_JSON_...
Definition: blast_service_job_markup.h:27
bool GetAndAddDoubleScoreValue(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const json_t *hsps_p, const char *hsp_key_s, const char *marked_up_key_s)
bool AddFaldoTerminus(json_t *parent_json_p, const char *child_key_s, const int32 position, const Strand strand)
bool GetAndAddHitLocation(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const json_t *hsps_p, const char *hsp_from_key_s, const char *hsp_to_key_s, const char *strand_key_s, const char *child_key_s)
The configuration data for the Blast Service.
Definition: blast_service.h:143
bool GetAndAddIntScoreValue(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const json_t *hsps_p, const char *hsp_key_s, const char *marked_up_key_s)
bool AddIntScoreValue(json_t *parent_p, const char *key_s, int score_value)
json_t * ConvertBlastResultToGrassrootsMarkUp(const json_t *blast_job_output_p, BlastServiceData *data_p)
bool GetAndAddScaffoldsFromHit(const json_t *hit_p, json_t *mark_up_p, const DatabaseInfo *db_p)
bool AddHitDetails(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const json_t *blast_hit_p, const DatabaseInfo *db_p)
Definition: blast_service_job_markup.h:28
bool GetAndAddSequencesParameter(LinkedService *linked_service_p, json_t *hit_p, ParameterSet *output_params_p)
bool MarkUpHit(const json_t *hit_p, json_t *mark_up_p, const DatabaseInfo *db_p)
json_t * GetInitialisedProcessedRequest(void)
bool GetAndAddSequenceValue(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const json_t *hsps_p, const char *hsp_key_s, const char *sequence_key_s)
json_t * GetMarkupReports(json_t *markup_p)
bool GetAndAddScaffoldsParameter(LinkedService *linked_service_p, json_t *hit_p, ParameterSet *output_params_p)
bool AddHitLocation(json_t *parent_p, const char *child_key_s, const int32 from, const int32 to, const Strand strand)
const json_t * GetScaffoldsForDatabaseHit(const json_t *hit_p)
After the blast job has ran, get the scaffolds that it ran against from a hit from within SINGLE_JSON...
Definition: blast_service_api.h:48
A doubly-linked list that can be traversed in either direction.
Definition: linked_list.h:56
json_t * GetHitsFromMarkedUpReport(json_t *report_p)
This datatype stores the data needed to get the required information from the output of one Service t...
Definition: linked_service.h:50
bool AddHsp(json_t *marked_up_hit_p, const json_t *hsp_p)
Add the marked-up data for a High-scoring Segment Pair (HSP) to a marked-up hit.
bool AddSequence(json_t *root_p, const char *key_s, const char *query_sequence_s)
json_t * MarkUpBlastResult(BlastServiceJob *job_p)
Get the Grassroots marked-up data from a BlastServiceJob.
const char * GetDatabaseNameFromMarkedUpJob(const json_t *marked_up_report_p)
bool GetAndAddDatabaseDetails(json_t *marked_up_result_p, const DatabaseInfo *database_p)
A datatype describing the details of each database available to search against.
Definition: blast_service.h:83
bool GetAndAddSequenceMappedParameter(LinkedService *linked_service_p, const json_t *hit_p, ParameterSet *output_params_p, json_t *request_p)
bool GetAndAddNucleotidePolymorphisms(json_t *marked_up_hsp_p, const char *reference_sequence_s, const char *hit_sequence_s, const char *midline_s, uint32 hit_index, const int32 inc_value)
bool GetAndAddQueryMetadata(const json_t *blast_search_p, json_t *mark_up_p)
bool AddSubsequenceMarkup(json_t *parent_p, const char *key_s, const char *subsequence_start_s, const uint32 length)
LinkedList * GetScaffoldsFromHit(const json_t *hit_p, const DatabaseInfo *db_p)
bool AddDoubleScoreValue(json_t *parent_p, const char *key_s, double64 score_value)
A set of Parameters along with an optional name and description.
Definition: parameter_set.h:46
Which strand is being used to for positioning purposes.
Definition: blast_service_job_markup.h:24