Grassroots Infrastructure
The Grassroots Infrastructure is a suite of computing tools to help users and developers use scientific data infrastructure that can easily be interconnected.
Shared code specific for Services. More...
Data Structures | |
struct | LinkedService |
This datatype stores the data needed to get the required information from the output of one Service to act as input for another. More... | |
struct | LinkedServiceNode |
The datatype to allow the storage of LinkedServices on LinkedLists. More... | |
struct | MappedParameter |
This structure is used to store a relationship between a value from the output of running one service to use as an input parameter value for another service. More... | |
struct | MappedParameterNode |
This datatype allows the storage of MappedParameters on a LinkedList. More... | |
struct | PairedService |
A datatype for describing a remote Service that can be used in conjunction with a local Service. More... | |
struct | PairedServiceNode |
A datatype for storing PairedServices on a LinkedList. More... | |
struct | ReferredServiceData |
The base structure for storing Service configuration data. More... | |
struct | ReferredService |
A datatype which defines an available service, its capabilities and its parameters. More... | |
struct | ReferredServiceNode |
A datatype for storing a ReferredService on a LinkedList. More... | |
struct | RemoteServiceJob |
A datatype describing a ServiceJob that is run on a remote Grassroots Server. More... | |
struct | ServiceData |
A datatype for holding the configuration data for a Service. More... | |
struct | Service |
A datatype which defines an available service, its capabilities and its parameters. More... | |
struct | ServiceNode |
A datatype for storing Services on a LinkedList. More... | |
struct | ServicesArray |
A datatype for having a set of Services. More... | |
struct | ServiceJob |
A datatype to represent a running task. More... | |
struct | ServiceJobNode |
A datatype used to store a ServiceJob within a ServceJobSet using a LinkedList. More... | |
struct | ServiceJobSet |
A datatype to represent a collection of ServiceJobs. More... | |
struct | ServiceJobSetIterator |
A datatype allowing easy traversal over all of the ServiceJobs within a ServiceJobSet. More... | |
struct | WebServiceData |
The configuration data for a WebService. More... | |
struct | ProvidersStateTable |
This is a datatype that is used to keep track of which servers and services have already been processed when merging services together to present to a server or client. More... | |
struct | ServiceMatcher |
A datatype used to find any Services that match given criteria. More... | |
struct | ResourceServiceMatcher |
A ServiceMatcher that matches a Service if it can run on a given Resource. More... | |
struct | NameServiceMatcher |
A ServiceMatcher that matches a Service by its name. More... | |
struct | PluginNameServiceMatcher |
A ServiceMatcher that matches a Service by its Plugin name. More... | |
struct | PluginOperationNameServiceMatcher |
A ServiceMatcher that matches a Service by its Plugin name and an Service name. More... | |
struct | KeywordServiceMatcher |
A ServiceMatcher that will find any Service with a keyword parameter. More... | |
Enumerations | |
A datatype to define how a Service runs. More... | |
An enumeration detailing how to combine different parameters upon submission to a web service. More... | |
enum | SubmissionMethod { SM_UNKNOWN = -1, SM_POST, SM_GET, SM_BODY, SM_NUM_METHODS } |
An enumeration of the different web-based submission methods. More... | |
Shared code specific for Services.
enum Synchronicity |
A datatype to define how a Service runs.
enum MatchType |
An enumeration detailing how to combine different parameters upon submission to a web service.
enum SubmissionMethod |