bool | AddQuerySequenceParams (BlastServiceData *data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, AddAdditionalParamsFn callback_fn, void *callback_data_p) |
| Add the common query sequence parameters for a Blast Service. More...
bool | AddGeneralAlgorithmParams (BlastServiceData *data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, AddAdditionalParamsFn callback_fn, const void *callback_data_p) |
| Add the common general algorithm parameters for a Blast Service. More...
bool | AddProgramSelectionParameters (BlastServiceData *blast_data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, const BlastTask *tasks_p, const BlastTask *default_task_p, const size_t task_mem_size, const size_t num_tasks) |
| Add the program selection parameters for a Blast Service. More...
uint16 | AddDatabaseParams (BlastServiceData *data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, DataResource *resource_p, const DatabaseType db_type) |
| Add the database parameters for a Blast Service. More...
uint32 | GetNumberOfDatabases (const BlastServiceData *data_p, const DatabaseType dt) |
| Get the number of databases of a given type that this BlastService has. More...
Parameter * | SetUpPreviousJobUUIDParameter (const BlastServiceData *service_data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, ParameterGroup *group_p) |
| Create the Parameter for specifying the UUIDs for any previous Blast searches. More...
Parameter * | SetUpOutputFormatParameters (const char **formats_ss, const uint32 num_formats, const uint32 default_format, const BlastServiceData *service_data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, ParameterGroup *group_p) |
| Create the Parameter for specifying the output format from a Blast search. More...
char * | CreateGroupName (const char *server_s) |
| Create the group name to use for available databases from a given named Server. More...
int8 | GetOutputFormatCodeForString (const char *output_format_s) |
| Get the output format code corresponding to the given string representation. More...
bool | GetDatabaseParameterTypeForNamedParameter (BlastServiceData *data_p, const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p) |
bool | GetQuerySequenceParameterTypeForNamedParameter (const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p) |
bool | GetGeneralAlgorithmParameterTypeForNamedParameter (const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p) |
bool | GetProgramSelectionParameterTypeForNamedParameter (const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p) |
bool | GetProteinGeneralAlgorithmParameterTypeForNamedParameter (const char *param_name_s, ParameterType *pt_p) |
char * | GetLocalDatabaseGroupName (GrassrootsServer *grassroots_p) |
char * | GetFullyQualifiedDatabaseName (const char *group_s, const char *db_s) |
const char * | GetLocalDatabaseName (const char *fully_qualified_db_s) |
bool | AddProteinGeneralAlgorithmParameters (BlastServiceData *data_p, ParameterSet *param_set_p, ParameterGroup *group_p, const void *callback_data_p) |
NamedParameterType | BS_JOB_ID { .npt_name_s = "job_id" , .npt_type = PT_STRING } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying previous job UUIDs. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_SUBRANGE_FROM { .npt_name_s = "subrange_from" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_INT } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the start of a subrange. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_SUBRANGE_TO { .npt_name_s = "subrange_to" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_INT } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the end of a subrange. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_TASK { .npt_name_s = "task" , .npt_type = PT_STRING } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the algorithm-specific task to use. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_INPUT_QUERY { .npt_name_s = "query" , .npt_type = PT_FASTA } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the input query. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_MAX_SEQUENCES { .npt_name_s = "max_target_seqs" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_INT } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the maximum number of sequences to return. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_EXPECT_THRESHOLD { .npt_name_s = "evalue" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_REAL } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the maximum number of e-value to use. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_OUTPUT_FORMAT { .npt_name_s = "outfmt" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_INT } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the output format to use. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_FORMAT { .npt_name_s = "custom_outfmt" , .npt_type = PT_STRING } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying any custom output format options to use. More...
NamedParameterType | BS_WORD_SIZE { .npt_name_s = "word_size" , .npt_type = PT_UNSIGNED_INT } |
| The Blast Service NamedParameterType for specifying the word size to use. More...