int | PrintJSON (FILE *out_f, const json_t *const json_p, const char *const prefix_s) |
| Print a json fragment to a FILE pointer. More...
const char * | GetJSONString (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s) |
| Get the value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | SetJSONString (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, const char *const value_s) |
bool | SetJSONStringOrNull (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, const char *const value_s, const bool null_flag) |
char * | GetCopiedJSONString (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s) |
| Get the newly-allocated value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | GetJSONInteger (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, json_int_t *value_p) |
| Get the integer value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | SetJSONInteger (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, const json_int_t value) |
bool | GetJSONLong (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, long *value_p) |
| Get the long value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | GetJSONReal (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, double *value_p) |
| Get the double value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | SetJSONReal (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, const double value) |
bool | GetJSONBoolean (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, bool *value_p) |
| Get the boolean value for a given key in a json_t object. More...
bool | SetJSONBoolean (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, const bool value) |
bool | AddStringArrayToJSON (json_t *parent_p, const char **const values_ss, const char *const child_key_s) |
| Create and add an array of c-style strings to a json object. More...
char ** | GetStringArrayFromJSON (const json_t *const array_p, bool add_terminating_null_flag) |
| Created an array of c-style string of StringListNodes from a json array. More...
bool | AddStringListToJSON (json_t *parent_p, LinkedList *values_p, const char *const child_key_s) |
| Create and add a LinkedList of StringListNodes to a json object. More...
LinkedList * | GetStringListFromJSON (const json_t *const array_p) |
| Created a LinkedList of StringListNodes from a json array. More...
json_t * | LoadJSONFile (const char *const filename_s) |
| Load a JSON file. More...
json_t * | ConvertTabularDataToJSON (char *data_s, const char column_delimiter, const char row_delimiter, LinkedList *headers_p) |
| Convert a string of tabular data into a JSON array using the given column headings. More...
json_t * | ConvertTabularDataWithHeadersToJSON (char *data_s, const char column_delimiter, const char row_delimiter, json_type(*get_type_fn)(const char *name_s, const void *const data_p), const void *const type_data_p) |
| Convert a string of tabular data into a JSON array. More...
LinkedList * | GetTabularHeaders (char **data_ss, const char column_delimiter, const char row_delimiter, json_type(*get_type_fn)(const char *name_s, const void *const data_p), const void *const type_data_p) |
| Get the column headers from the first row of a tabular data variable. More...
json_t * | ConvertRowToJSON (char *row_s, LinkedList *headers_p, const char delimiter) |
| Create a JSON object from a delimited string of data. More...
bool | AddValidJSONString (json_t *parent_p, const char *const key_s, const char *const value_s) |
| Add a string key-value pair to a JSON object only if the value is not NULL. More...
int | PrintJSONToLog (const uint32 level, const char *filename_s, const int line_number, const json_t *json_p, const char *message_s,...) |
| Print a json_t object to the logging stream. More...
int | PrintJSONToErrors (const uint32 level, const char *filename_s, const int line_number, const json_t *json_p, const char *message_s,...) |
| Print a json_t object to the error stream. More...
bool | IsJSONEmpty (const json_t *json_p) |
| Is a json_t NULL or empty? More...
void | PrintJSONRefCounts (const uint32 log_level, const char *const filename_s, const int line_number, const json_t *const value_p, const char *initial_s) |
| Print the reference counts for all of the entries in a json_t object to the logging stream. More...
bool | SetBooleanFromJSON (const json_t *json_p, bool *value_p) |
| Set the boolean value of a JSON object. More...
bool | SetRealFromJSON (const json_t *json_p, double *value_p) |
| Get the real value of a JSON object. More...
bool | SetIntegerFromJSON (const json_t *json_p, json_int_t *value_p) |
| Get the integer value of a JSON object. More...
bool | SetLongFromJSON (const json_t *json_p, int64 *value_p) |
| Get the long value of a JSON object. More...
bool | SetStringFromJSON (const json_t *json_p, char **value_ss) |
| Get the string value of a JSON object. More...
bool | SetJSONNull (json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s) |
| Add a child key to a JSON object where the value is null. More...
json_t * | GetCompoundJSONObject (const json_t *input_p, const char *const compound_s) |
| Get a descendant JSON object from another using a given selector. More...
bool | CopyJSONKeyStringValuePair (const json_t *src_p, json_t *dest_p, const char *const key_s, bool optional_flag) |
| Make a copy of given key-value pair from one JSON object to another. More...
bool | CopyJSONKeyIntegerValuePair (const json_t *src_p, json_t *dest_p, const char *const key_s, bool optional_flag) |
| Make a copy of given key-value pair from one JSON object to another. More...
bool | DeepCopyValidJSON (const json_t *src_p, json_t **dest_pp) |
| Make a deep copy of a source JSON fragment to another. More...
bool | AddOntologyContextTerm (json_t *root_p, const char *key_s, const char *term_s, const bool add_id_flag) |
| Add a "@context" section to a JSON fragment to define a class. More...
json_t * | SplitJSON (json_t *src_p, uint8 percentage_to_move) |
bool | GetJSONStringAsInteger (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, int *answer_p) |
bool | GetJSONStringAsDouble (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, double *answer_p) |
bool | GetJSONUnsignedInteger (const json_t *json_p, const char *const key_s, uint32 *value_p) |
bool | GetRealValueFromJSONString (const json_t *json_p, double64 *answer_p) |
json_t * | ConvertStringArrayToJSON (char **values_ss, const size_t num_values) |
bool | SetNonTrivialUnsignedInt (json_t *json_p, const char *key_s, const uint32 *value_p, const bool null_flag) |
bool | SetNonTrivialString (json_t *value_p, const char *key_s, const char *value_s, const bool null_flag) |
bool | SetNonTrivialDouble (json_t *json_p, const char *key_s, const double64 *value_p, const bool null_fla) |