Grassroots Infrastructure
The Grassroots Infrastructure is a suite of computing tools to help users and developers use scientific data infrastructure that can easily be interconnected.
Coordinate Struct Reference

A datatype for storing a geographic coordinate. More...

#include <coordinate.h>

Public Member Functions

CoordinateAllocateCoordinate (double64 x, double64 y)
 Allocate a coordinate for a given latitude and longitude. More...
void InitCoordinate (Coordinate *coord_p)
 Initialise a coordinate as 0,0. More...
void FreeCoordinate (Coordinate *coord_p)
 Free a Coordinate. More...
json_t * GetCoordinateAsJSON (const Coordinate *const coord_p)
 Get the JSON representation of a Coordinate. More...
bool AddCoordinateToJSON (const Coordinate *coord_p, json_t *dest_p, const char *const coord_key_s)
 Add the JSON representation for a given Coordinate to a JSON fragment using a given key. More...
bool SetCoordinateFromJSON (Coordinate *coord_p, const json_t *value_p)
 Set the Coordinate from a JSON representation. More...
bool SetCoordinateElevation (Coordinate *coord_p, double64 elevation)
 Set the elevation for a given Coordinate. More...
void ClearCoordinateElevation (Coordinate *coord_p)
 Clear the elevation for a given Coordinate. More...

Data Fields

double64 co_x
 The latitude, in degrees, which has a valid range from -90 and +90 for the southern and northern hemisphere respectively. More...
double64 co_y
 The longitude, in degrees, which has a valid range from -180 and +180 specifying coordinates west and east of the Prime Meridian, respectively. More...
double64 * co_elevation_p
 A pointer to the elevation value, in metres, for this Coordinate. More...

Detailed Description

A datatype for storing a geographic coordinate.

Field Documentation

◆ co_x

double64 co_x

The latitude, in degrees, which has a valid range from -90 and +90 for the southern and northern hemisphere respectively.

◆ co_y

double64 co_y

The longitude, in degrees, which has a valid range from -180 and +180 specifying coordinates west and east of the Prime Meridian, respectively.

◆ co_elevation_p

double64* co_elevation_p

A pointer to the elevation value, in metres, for this Coordinate.

This can be NULL which means that the value has not been set for this Coordinate.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: