Grassroots Infrastructure
The Grassroots Infrastructure is a suite of computing tools to help users and developers use scientific data infrastructure that can easily be interconnected.
Go to the documentation of this file.
98 const char *key_s,
const json_t *raw_value_p,
const json_t *corrected_value_p,
const char *notes_s,
const uint32 observation_index,
bool *free_measured_variable_flag_p,
99 void (*on_error_callback_fn) (
ServiceJob *job_p,
const char *
const observation_field_s,
const void *value_p,
void *user_data_p),
void *user_data_p);
Definition: standard_row.h:39
bool AddTreatmentFactorValueToRowByParts(StandardRow *row_p, TreatmentFactor *tf_p, const char *value_s)
OperationStatus AddStatsValuesToBaseRow(Row *row_p, json_t *stas_json_p, Study *study_p, ServiceJob *job_p, const uint32 row_index, FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
bool GetDiscardValueFromSubmissionJSON(const json_t *row_json_p)
A datatype to represent a running task.
Definition: service_job.h:72
json_t * GetRowAsFrictionlessData(const Row *row_p, const Study *const study_p, const FieldTrialServiceData *service_data_p, const char *const null_sequence_s)
OperationStatus AddObservationValueToStandardRowByParts(ServiceJob *job_p, StandardRow *row_p, MeasuredVariable *measured_variable_p, struct tm *start_date_p, struct tm *end_date_p, const char *key_s, const json_t *raw_value_p, const json_t *corrected_value_p, const char *notes_s, const uint32 observation_index, bool *free_measured_variable_flag_p, void(*on_error_callback_fn)(ServiceJob *job_p, const char *const observation_field_s, const void *value_p, void *user_data_p), void *user_data_p)
A TreatmentFactor is a set of values for a Treatment applied to plots within a Study.
Definition: treatment_factor.h:76
Definition: material.h:121
Row * GetRowByStudyIndex(const int32 by_study_index, Study *study_p, const ViewFormat format, FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
void FreeRowsNameKey(char *key_s)
ObservationNode * GetMatchingObservationNode(const StandardRow *row_p, const MeasuredVariable *variable_p, const struct tm *start_date_p, const struct tm *end_date_p, const uint32 *index_p)
Definition: dfw_field_trial_service_library.h:43
Definition: measured_variable.h:39
A doubly-linked list that can be traversed in either direction.
Definition: linked_list.h:56
OperationStatus AddSingleTreatmentFactorValueToStandardRow(StandardRow *row_p, const char *key_s, const char *value_s, Study *study_p, ServiceJob *job_p, const uint32 row_index, FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
The current status of an Operation.
Definition: operation.h:96
bool AddRowFrictionlessDataDetails(const Row *row_p, json_t *row_fd_p, const FieldTrialServiceData *service_data_p, const char *const null_sequence_s)
Row * GetRowByRackIndex(const int32 row, Plot *plot_p, const bool expand_fields_flag, const FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
OperationStatus AddObservationValueToStandardRow(StandardRow *row_p, const uint32 row_index, const char *key_s, const json_t *value_p, ServiceJob *job_p, FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
char * GetRowsNameKey(void)
LinkedList * GetAllRowsContainingMaterial(Material *material_p, const FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
OperationStatus AddTreatmentFactorValuesToStandardRow(StandardRow *row_p, json_t *plot_json_p, Study *study_p, FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
void RemoveObservationNode(const StandardRow *row_p, ObservationNode *node_p)
A datatype for storing a phneotypic observation within an experiment.
Definition: observation.h:63
bool GetBlankValueFromSubmissionJSON(const json_t *row_json_p)
The configuration data used by the DFW Field Trial Service.
Definition: dfw_field_trial_service_data.h:118
Observation * GetMatchingObservation(const StandardRow *row_p, const MeasuredVariable *variable_p, const struct tm *start_date_p, const struct tm *end_date_p, const uint32 *index_p)
Row * GetRowByIdString(const char *row_id_s, const ViewFormat format, const FieldTrialServiceData *data_p)
Definition: observation.h:133